Orange Diet

Awesome taste
A unique technology that squeezes just 80% of the fruit to offer you a ‘never before’ taste.

100% Natural
No Added Water, No Added Sugar, No Preservatives & No Additives

A completely machine prepared juice with no Human Touch!

As an excellent Trusted Source of the antioxidant vitamin C, oranges help combat the formation of free radicals that cause cancer. Oranges are a good source of fiber and potassium, both of which can support heart health.
A medium orange weighing 131 grams (g) contributes 3.14g of fiber, which is nearly 10% of an adult’s daily fiber requirement. Several studies have found that fiber can improve factors that contribute to diabetes development and progression. Vitamin C contributes to collagen production. Collagen supports the skin, promotes wound healing, and improves skin strength.
Do not forget to add more fruits to your life. Including fruits will improve your quality of life, so don’t hesitate to try the different varieties and flavors. Your taste and your body will thank you.